New Release – The Gryphon’s Dragon

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Gryphon shifter and oldest triplet Roman is so happy that his brothers have found their mates, but he hates that their homes have been attacked by forces who want to destroy them and take their magic. So he decides to move both of his brothers and their households to his home in Montana, where they can make a stand. To make things even more complicated, Roman has to deal with a half dragon/ half gryphon that was stranded at his brother’s place in Colorado after the last attack.

Bastien was bespelled and abused by a mage for a long time, and he has terrible guilt about having to help attack Roman and his family. But Roman gives him home, and when they touch, the spark between them becomes a far bigger flame. But the bad guys moving against them won’t wait. Can Roman and Bastien defeat them and still form a mate bond?

New Release – Healing the Dragon’s Heart

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Dragon shifter and Valleywood talent agent James Lane doesn’t have a lot of time in his schedule for nonsense. So when someone from his past shows up in his office, James has every intention of sending the guy away. Even if he was once James’s betrothed, an arrangement made when they were just children.

Dexter Erega doesn’t have a lot of time left. In dragon society, once a mate is cast aside, his heartstone is broken, and he’s locked away until he dies. Dex has managed to get away from that life, but he needs James to officially sign the papers releasing him from their marriage arrangement.

James had no idea his family would follow through on such a barbaric act, and now he feels like he needs to make things up to Dex. That starts them on a journey deep into the Colorado mountains to a Seer who can help, and who might be the key to Dex getting his life back. Can James convince Dex it’s a life he wants to share as his mate?

Note: This is a Valleywood mpreg story, but it is also the prequel to Mending the Dragon’s Heart, and a Heartstone Rescue novella.

New Release – Cloud Dragon

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Dragon shifter Puck is convinced that Austin is not for him. As much as he wants Austin, he knows such an amazing dragon couldn’t be his mate, so he’s going to hide away and let this one get away. Except that Austin won’t let him

Austin knows Puck is the one for him, and he’s not going to let Puck keep him at arm’s length. Except they keep having false starts.

Finally, the two of them come together, but they have to work around their own fears, their ever-growing family, and some shocking developments in the dragon prophecy which threaten to endanger them all. Can they get together and start their own new family life, or will they wither under the strain of the crazy magic going on in their world?

This is a dragon shifter mpreg romance in the larger Dragon Veil universe.

New Release – The Bad Boy and the Baby

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Gym owner Ben Tallent is a self-described closet bad boy. He doesn’t date anyone in Secret Springs, because what if it gets weird after they break up and have to see each other all the time. But when a colleague sets him up on a blind date, he decides what the heck? Why not give it a shot?

After a disastrous blind date, baby expert Raven Valenciaga decides he’s right not to go out with anyone in his small town. Then he meets Ben again in a very different situation, and their chemistry is undeniable.

They burn bright right away, but when life starts to get in the way of their time together, Ben and Raven struggle to find time for each other while they take care of everyone else. Can they make it work, or will the bad boy lose his chance to be happy with his lover and their baby?

New Release – The Gryphon’s Prize

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Gryphon shifter Marc is back in his home in the LaSalles, working on his charity foundation and trying not to be jealous of his brother Quint, who finally found someone to love after centuries alone. He’s so wrapped up in business that it comes as a great shock when an old friend shows up at his home asking for a favor before she dies. Take care of her son, who is one of the rarest shifters in the world. A unigriff.

Traian doesn’t want to be trouble, but his whole world has been turned upside down. Both of his parents are lost to him, and he’s been torn away from his home. The one good thing in the whole mess is meeting Marc, who he knows is special right away. But being part unicorn means everyone wants his magic, and they’ll use violence to get it. So he doesn’t want to lose Marc as well.

When an attack comes to their door, Marc’s triplet siblings come to help, and they all face dangers they never believed possible while Marc and Traiain forge a new love. Can they survive the threat to their very existence?

The Gryphon’s Prize ends with a fully realized romance, but a partial cliffhanger for the final book in the series.

New Release – Mending the Dragon’s Heart

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When Lake loses his betrothed, he also loses his dragon heartstone, the thing that gives a dragon their magic. He’s locked away, waiting to pass. But his brother is a Seer, and he refuses to let Lake die, so he arranges a rescue.

Boone is one of an elite dragon rescue team, sent to pull Lake into the modern human world so he can be taken to a sanctuary in the Colorado mountains. What he doesn’t count on is falling hard for Lake, who’s just sweet and wonderful and loving.

Now the race is on to find Lake another heartstone, and to stop other dragons from being destroyed, before it’s too late, even as Lake and Boone start a family…

New Release – Mist Dragon

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Dragon shifter Andy spends his time in his Santa Fe home with his brothers, surfing the dark web for information about dragons and digitizing dragon histories. He’s not used to trouble of any kind, so when a stranger shows up who seems to be watching him, he’s more than a little freaked out.

Dustin is used to doing recon on all sorts of creatures, especially dragons like him, in his quest to keep dragons safe. He and his twin brother both work for a mysterious billionaire who funds dragon conservation. So he thinks nothing of it when he’s sent to check out a dragon enclave in the high desert of New Mexico. Until he meets Andy, that is. Then he knows he’s found his mate.

As Dustin and Andy struggle to find their own space yet give Andy’s brothers and moms respect, danger threatens to tear them apart. Can they keep their growing family safe, and find a way to be something new while honoring both of their traditions?

New Release – The Gryphon’s Jewel

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When he’s on the road during a terrible thunderstorm, gryphon shifter Quint Casteel comes across something completely unexpected. He’s never seen a gryphon like the one illuminated by lightning and soaked by the rain, and when he tries to help the shifter, he ends up with a very bedraggled and beautiful man in his arms.

Max isn’t just a gryphon, he’s a brontegriff, which is a mix of a thunderbird and a gryphon. His thunderbird mother has kept him close to her nest in the deep southwest, but when a hard thunderstorm calls him to ride it, Max ends up near Aspen in Quint’s territory. And in his circle of protection.

Quint knows that Max is meant to be his mate, but will their families agree, or will another kind of storm drive the two of them apart?

New Release – Aiden

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Griffin thinks he might be watching dragons through his binoculars while he’s on a research project for his graduate program. He desperately wants it to be true, but he also wants to warn any dragons that might be up in the Sierra Nevada mountains that his professor wants to study them. He wants to help keep them safe.

Aiden has been solitary a long time when he inherits his aunt’s daughter, who he calls his niece, through a terrible accident. He’s not sure how to raise her or keep her safe, which seems even worse when Griff shows up. But then he realizes he and Griff are mates, and that he’s not solitary anymore. Can he convince Griff they’re meant to be together and keep the rest of the world, including whoever is watching them, at bay?

Rainbow Advent Calendar

Rainbow Advent Calendar 2022
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How to Be the Oldest – A Dragon Sanctuary Holiday Story
Minerva Howe

“Deck the halls with lots of firewood, fa la la la la…”

“La la la LA.” Sebastian sang along with his Uncle Zeke, carrying the biggest armload of firewood he could. He had found out, just this year, just today, that being the oldest meant that one got up early to go out and do the chores so all the other siblings and cousins could sleep in.

Good thing he had Uncle Zeke to teach him all about being the old one. He thought Zee was the very best uncle ever.

They got to feed the alpacas and the chickens, who were very hungry, and he milked Selena the good goat while Zee milked the others, and Zee taught him the carol about milking — “O milk the goats! They make the bestest cheeses!”

“What comes next, Zee?” Sebby asked.

Zeke glanced over, rainbow-colored eyes whirling at him. “In the chores or the song?”

“Both!” They laughed together, and then a thought hit Sebastian. “Zee, are you excited about Santa?”

“I am.” Zeke nodded, putting Millie goat into position. “Come pour this into the iced bucket?” 

“Uh-huh.” He moved carefully to tip the milk into the holding bucket, which was actually set into another one packed with snow. Goat milk had to be cold, or it would go nasty. Nah-stee. “I hope I got my book.”

“I think Santa loves to give books best.”

“Even if all the stories and songs are about him making toys?”

“Just think how cool and different books must be then.” Zeke gave him an arch look.

He pondered that. It made sense, and Zee knew things. Zee was the guardian of their dragon clutch, and one day Sebastian would go away — not far, because he loved his family — and make a home of his own, maybe with Preston and Keifer and the others of his generation. 

They would need more room when they found mates and had babies like their fathers had.

“I like that. I like books and toys and Santa, but I love my daddies and uncles and babies and you, Zee.”

“I love you too, my Sebby.” Zeke stood and stretched, the goats all milling around. “Okay, all we have left is checking the water lines to the greenhouse and taking the milk inside.”

“Checking lines. Where are the lines?” He looked all around.

“The ones I mean are tubes the water goes through for the plants. We need to make sure they’re not frozen. I can show you how to do that next time, though. Why don’t you take the milk in? I bet your dad is up helping Abe and Seth cook by now.”

“No. No, I will help.” He needed to know this. He was going to be a good alpha. He was going to make his Uncle Zee so proud. He was going to be strong and brave.

“Oh, Sebby. I’m so proud. I’m proud right now. You are brave and loving and strong, and I love you.” Zeke reached out to grip his shoulder. 

His heart melted. “I love you too! The milk will stay cold in the snow.”

“Okay, kiddo. I’ll show you then.” Zeke led the way through the trail they’d kept shoveled in the deep snow, off to the heated greenhouse.

By the time they went back inside, he wasn’t sure he understood everything about water lines, but he knew what they were and how to clear one, and he might only need Zeke to show him one more time before he did it alone…

They headed in, snow crusted on their hats and boots, and he felt tall. 

“Papa! We have the milk!” He carried it so carefully, not spilling a drop.

His father smiled for him, coming to take the bucket. “Well done. I wondered where you’d got off to.”

“M’the oldest. S’my job.” His nose quivered at a yummy sweet. “Hot choccie?”

“I bet there is. And cinnamon rolls. And bacon. Daddy has been busy.” 

“Cinnamom…” Sebby smacked his lips. “Yay.” 

“Yes.” His papa looked over his head at Zeke. “Anything Samuel needs to do?”

“We got it all, didn’t we, Sebby? He’s the best helper ever. I think we both deserve choccie.”

“We do! It’s cold as…snow out there.”

“Good choice of words, kiddo.” Zeke winked at him, and he giggled. 

“Can I go change, Papa?” His pants were soggy.

“If you’re quiet, huh?”

“Uh-huh.” He needed fuzzy socks and maybe his softest jammies. So he snuck off to his room, not wanting to wake up Preston. 

His brother was up though, peering at him with bright eyes. “Sebby? Christmas!”

“Uh-huh,” he whispered. “Daddy still asleep?” 

“No. He’s waiting for me to wakes up.”

“Oh. Do you need to go potty? You should go before we get Daddy.”

“Pwease.” Preston’s little grin was so cute. “I wanna be a big boy.”

“So soon. You are a good reader already. Come on.” Sebby got his baby boy up and dressed and to the bathroom, then he grabbed Preston’s hand. “Let’s go get Daddy.”

“’Kay. C’mon, Fractal.” 

The arctic fox who was their best friend stretched and yawned but followed them happily. He liked bacon a lot. 

They pounced on Daddy’s bed with cries of, “Merry Christmas!”

“Oh, are my boys awake!” Daddy gathered them both into a hug, his arms so strong. “Merry Christmas.”

“I did all the chores, Daddy. I milked and fed and stuff with Zee.” He wanted Daddy to be so proud of him.

“Oh, wow. And I got to stay in bed. You’re amazing. I’m proud of you for helping Zeke and learning so much. And I’m proud of you for staying in bed, Preston, and letting me rest.”

“Thank you, Daddy. Christmas now.”

“Yes, my good boys. Christmas now. Let’s go to the kitchen!” 

He got a huge hug and a smile, Daddy’s blue eyes warm and happy.

Everyone else would be there. He could hear excited noises. Sebby beamed. He loved his family, and this was the best day to spend with them, because he got to give them presents. 

And get them too.

He took Daddy’s hand as Preston gripped the other, and they headed off to Christmas, singing all the way. 

It was going to be wonderful. 
